TRG / SOTIC Barrel Nut

TRG/SOTIC Barrel Nut, shown with optional KRG barrel for TRG and SOTIC rifles available in various calibers

Closeup of SOTIC rifle showing action and barrel nut system; also visibile is optional accessory Arca Rail on bottom of forend; Scope/mount not included

TRG/SOTIC Barrel Nut shown with KRG Barrel Nut Wrench, each available separately

TRG/SOTIC Barrel Nut

TRG/SOTIC Barrel Nut
With the proper tools and this barrel nut, you can install pre-chambered barrels from KRG or your gunsmith onto your Sako TRG or KRG SOTIC rifle.
Basically this nut coverts your Sako TRG into a Savage style barrel nut system, where a knowledgeable, qualified person can use headspace gauges and action and barrel nut wrenches to change the barrel without sending the rifle out for a lengthy barrel fitting process.
Order barrels in your preferred caliber from KRG or email us about having the tenon thread spec and contour spec sent to your favorite gunsmith for them to cut you a barrel which then you can install if you are qualified.
Always use headspace gauges to set the proper headspace, and recheck the headspace after you fully torque the barrel
Use grease on the action threads, barrel threads, and on the action face and torque to 100 ft-lbs
Use the KRG barrel nut wrench to install/remove barrels without having to remove action from stock, or use a Savage barrel nut wrench if you don't mind removing action from stock
KRG makes the action wrench to hold the action
Fits: KRG SOTIC rifle, Sako TRG
Restrictions: Only to be used by qualified persons
Weight: 1.6oz
Material: Nitrided Stainless Steel
Made by KRG